Saturday, January 25, 2020

Traveling Toward The World Of Ihram For Hajj Pilgrimage? Plan Your Journey Well

The most important international religious event that takes place once a year is the Hajj pilgrimage. Every year, people from all over the world, travel to Mecca which is also called the center of the universe. Hajj is the most important trip in the life of a Muslim.

So, if you have already applied for the Hajj visa application and handed over the documents to your agent, then it's time to prepare a travel bag. If you decide to cross the road to Mecca by plane, then this automatically means limiting the weight of your luggage. Here are 4 tips that are considered when you pack your luggage:

·         Choose The Right Clothes: When choosing clothes, you need to consider the weather in Saudi Arabia. This year 2020, Hajj comes in July and the hot season has started over. So, choosing cotton clothes is the right option for Hajj pilgrims. A hat, cotton socks, shoes are all necessary attributes of the pilgrim's clothing in Saudi Arabia.

·         Choose Comfortable Shoes: When performing ceremonies, you will have to walk a lot and the choice of shoes is also important. Shoes should be lightweight, comfortable so corns don’t appear. The same requirements apply when choosing slippers and sandals because after joining the Hajj they should not wear shoes that completely cover their legs.

·         Bring Some Food: It is good to bring those products that don’t deteriorate, such as canned food, dried fruits, honey, nuts, etc. According to the established tradition, Hajj pilgrims take food when they feel hunger during the obligation because you’re on the religious tour and have to spend all the time in worship. Arrival in the hotel, you can also prepare meals that you like most.

·         Bring The Necessary Documentation: Those who are sick should consult with doctors before traveling and bring their medicine. A copy of your doctor's prescription is also submitted at the time of applying for a Hajj visa. A complex of vitamins is useful to every pilgrim to maintain strength.

What To Bring At The Time Of Returning Hajj Pilgrimage?

In the Holy Land, many are wondering what to bring home from the Hajj. Everything that is brought is divided into two types, material and spiritual. The material is incomparable with the spiritual, although not everyone understands this. The best that can be taken from the first category is:

1.       ZamZam water;
2.       Precious clothes like a scarf
3.       Some fragrance
4.       A prayer rug from Mecca or Medina;
5.       Buy al-Ajwa dates

The most necessary thing that a pilgrim takes with him when he sets off for Hajj is God-fear, patience, the ability to forgive and pride, arrogance, intemperance from Allah Almighty. If you desire to travel in the world of Ihram for Hajj book your Hajj Package 2020 from 

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